Master Delegation in 30 Days: Coaching for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

Free Your Time Without Sacrificing Quality with Effective Delegation

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Cut Down on Stress from Your Business and Relax More

Your role as a business owner should not be about putting out fires and handling day-to-day minutiae. That path is unsustainable, leads to burnout, and can stifle the very growth and freedom you seek. Don't let your business be your prison.

Nobody is Born a Great Delegator, It Must Be Learned

Delegation is a skill you learn, not a talent you're born with. The fastest path to learning it is the 12-Strategy Delegation™ framework. It helps you delegate tasks, problem-solving, and management responsibilities to people at different levels of trust.

Icon: Reclaim Your Time Icon: Reclaim Your Time
Increase Free Time

Free up your schedule for what truly matters to you.

Icon: Reduce Stress Icon: Reduce Stress
Reduce Business Stress

Lighten your workload to focus on strategic growth.

Icon: Increase Productivity Icon: Increase Productivity
Ensure Consistent Results

Maintain quality in operations while delegating.

"Worth 100X what I paid. Best coaching investment I've made. Thank you!"

"From Command-and-Control to Empowering Owner"

Hello, I'm Scott Drake, a serial entrepreneur, technology executive, and well-intentioned micromanager. Delegation was a struggle for the first 15 years of my career.

I often thought:

  • "I'll just do it myself because it will be faster or easier."
  • "How do I get people to work to my standards?"
  • "How do I inspire an ownership mentality in my team?"

Eventually, I burned out. I knew my business wasn't going to get better unless I invested the time to learn to delegate effectively. The training I found was incomplete and not effective, so I embarked on a research project that led to breakthroughs in three areas:

  1. Delegation Types: I learned that I need different strategies for delegating tasks, problem-solving, and management responsibilities. I used to treat everything as a simple task and believed I had to show my team how to do everything.
  2. Trust Levels: I learned to adjust my involvement based on my level of trust in the person. When working with new people, I need to stay involved, coach them, and be patient. As they grow, I need to give them more control. Before, I quickly lost patience with new people and held on too tightly with trusted team members.
  3. Self-Control: I learned to resist the urge to take over. Delegation is emotionally and psychologically challenging. I discovered my triggers and learned to not act on them impulsively.

It wasn't an overnight transformation, but within a few months, everything changed.

  • I was available for big moments in life, not stuck working in my business all the time.
  • I could focus more on what I love about my business, and less on mundane tasks.
  • I discovered new strengths in my team.
  • I could truly collaborate and tap into my team's best ideas.

The best part is I didn't have to lower my standards or jeopardize the trust my clients had in my services to make it happen.

As I saw other leaders on my team going through the same struggles with delegation, I began to teach them what I discovered, and the 12-Strategy Delegation™ framework emerged.

As I met with other business owners and learned about their pain with delegation, I began to share this innovation, and this coaching practice was born.

Schedule a free, 30-minute call with me to learn more.

Are you serious about turning this frustration into a strength? Let's talk today!

Scott Drake

Schedule a Call with Scott

"Delegation has always been a 'loop of frustration.'
I can now diagnose when things aren't going well and fix it."

Here's a Quick Look Under the Hood

Want to learn more before booking a call? Check out this 30-minute podcast with business owner Ivan Jenkins. After this conversation, Ivan hired Scott to work with his management team.

30-Day Coaching Program — How it Works

Get precise guidance on the delegation skills you need.

Step 1: Schedule a Free 30-Minute Call with Scott

During this call, we'll discuss your delegation challenges and identify key support areas. This no-pressure call offers immediate value and helps determine if the program is right for you.

Step 2: Sign Up If You Decide It's Right for You

If the program fits, we'll schedule your first session. You'll receive a detailed outline and a plan to meet your specific goals.

Step 3: We Meet for Three, 90-Minute Training & Coaching Sessions

Each session is designed to build upon the previous one, ensuring you develop a comprehensive skill set for effective delegation.

  • Session 1: What to Delegate — Identify tasks you should delegate and owner-level tasks you should keep (or start doing).
  • Session 2: How to Delegate — Learn the 7 steps and 12 strategies for successful delegation.
  • Session 3: Self-Control — Master the emotional and psychological aspects of delegation.

I'll be available for quick calls, emails, and chats to support you throughout the program. I want you to have all the resources and guidance needed to succeed.

Schedule a Call with Scott

"I'm not just blowing smoke up your a-- ... this program was incredibly useful."

Learn if This 30-Day Coaching Program is Right for You

The best way to find out if this program is right for you is to book your free 30-minute consultation now.

I will walk you through how the program works, explain the options, and help you decide if it's the right next step for you. No pressure, just clarity. Get started today!

Schedule a Call with Scott